What Is Neural Therapy?
Neural therapy is an injection treatment that stimulates healing. The intention is to normalize abnormal stagnant up- or downregulation of the autonomic nervous system and to re-establish a dynamic self-regulating ebb and flow of the autonomic nervous system – that part of the nervous system responsible for the “automatic” functions of the body.1
What Is Ozone Therapy?
Ozone Therapy is a form of oxygen healing therapy. It is a medical therapy that has been used worldwide for over 50 years with dramatic success and safety. Oxygen in the air we breathe is actually two molecules of oxygen attached together, or O2. Ozone is an ‘activated’ form of oxygen where there are actually three atoms of oxygen…
What Is Autonomic Response Testing (ART)?
Autonomic Response Testing is a simple, yet highly effective biofeedback assessment technique used to determine disturbances in your body and possible remedies that your body biologically accepts. The foundational principle is that muscles become tight when stressed, by virtue…